• Michèle Hayem

5 rue de Beaune
75007 Paris

T: +33 6 62 67 79 02



Coming from the three generations of antique dealers who preceded me, my interest fell on contemporary artists. Since 2010, my gallery has been located at 5 rue de Beaune, in the heart of the Carré Rive Gauche, a few steps from the Louvre Museum and the Orsay Museum. I dedicate personal exhibitions to international designers such as Mark Brazier-Jones, Nathanaël Le Berre and Béatrice Serre for art furniture, Carolein Smit, Xue SUN, BERTOZZI & CASONI, and Vivian Van Blerk for ceramics.I seek in the works of contemporary artists the highlighting of the material, the abundance of detail, and the authenticity of the gesture, echoing the masters of the past.

Recent works by these artists will be exhibited at PAD 2022.